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2023-02-23 12:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I'm not a hugger. When I see a registered personal-space invader coming my way at a party, the music from 'Jaws' plays in my head. And there are lots of people like me -- reasonably comfortable in social situations, no particular phobias, just a bit reserved in expressions of physical intimacy.


For us fans of personal space, these are difficult times. America has become a hugging culture. What's an Academy Award without a gauntlet of hugs from seat to stage? Any sports win will ignite an orgy of whooping, full-body man hugs. Political empathy in tragedy is measured in hugs.

对我们这些喜欢保持一定距离的人来说,这种时候就比较难熬。美国已经成为了一个崇尚拥抱文化的国家。没有从座位到舞台的一连串拥抱能叫奥斯卡颁奖礼(Academy Award)吗?任何体育项目的获胜都会引起一阵狂欢式的全身拥抱。悲剧事件中政治同理心是通过拥抱来衡量的。

We remain a 'medium touch' culture -- more physically demonstrative than Japan, where a bow is the all-purpose hello and goodbye, but less demonstrative than Latin or Eastern European cultures, where hugs are robust and can include a kiss on both cheeks. But we do seem to be hugging more.


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